Friday, February 18, 2011

LiveStrong Austin "Athens" Half Marathon.

Just two days away from my first half marathon and race of the new year. I wish I was in Austin, Texas to be there with all the other members of Team Livestrong but the challenge of Athens will do just fine. You can check out why I am running in Athens and not Austin in this previous post, From Austin to Athens for Uncle Mike.

The course I will be running on Sunday is pretty difficult, running two steep hills every mile, but I know that pain is temporary and my reasons for running this race will carry me through the finish line.

My mother assured me that my whole family will be thinking of me on race day and that I am making my Uncle Mike proud. I can't wait for Sunday afternoon after the race, knowing what I achieved and who I achieved it for.

Love and Livestrong.

Here's a video I made for the Livestrong "Athens" Half Marathon.

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